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I declare myself to be a strong believer in free software. Anyway, a few things about me that don't matter at all are:
  1. I prefer calling it GNU/Linux (I called it "Linux" [sic] for the majority of my life)
  2. I don't even like GPLv3 that much (contrary to my Discord nickname), because it is far too restrictive. I prefer licensing most of what I create under the BSD three-clause license, or the X11 License
  3. I edit RationalWiki
  4. I am a proponent of the term free and open-source software, because it unites the FS and OSS movements
  5. I am getting bored of writing items on this list
  6. If a GitHub repository is released under my name that is licensed under anything that is more restrictive than GPLv3, it is safe to assume that my account is compromised.

More on copyright

Please note that I mark all of my works as "Kopimi" (pronounced "copy me"), meaning I specifically request for my works to be used for any purpose at will.

My stance on licensing has changed since I started; I previously released all of my works into the public domain using CC0, but now I use permissive free software licenses like X11, and GPL for my more "important" works.